Sunday, October 14, 2012

Robitussin - it's not just for a cough, my friend!

Combing the aisle of my local CVS, I found myself price checking and ingredient checking several medications....and not for the reasons you would assume. I wasn't sick.

In my fifth year working in a school, I felt I'd finally built up the steel strength immunity for which so many teachers are known, but had eluded me in previous years. Since stepping into the school I'd had countless stomach bugs, strep throat, bronchitis, ear infections, sinus infections, pink eye (twice), laryngitis, and staph infections. I felt at times, the only disease I missed was hand, foot and mouth disease. I was a germ magnet. I can honestly say, I've never been so sick in my life as I have been the last 4 years.

Well, that is until this year.....

But this particular reason for visiting my drug source was quite different. I needed some Robitussin.

A coworker brought to my attention a research study that compared conception rates in women who did and did not use Robitussin during the period of time surrounding their ovulation. Turns out, the women using the cough medicine saw higher preggo rates! Whodathunk?

It seems that Robitussin, as well as many other cold medications, has a very helpful ingredient - guaifenesin, which is an expectorant. In its traditional use, this drug thins the mucus lining the lungs so that it can be expelled, and clear the way for better breathing.

In a less traditional use, guaifenesin can be used to thin the mucus lining the cervix, thus making the passage easier for sperm, and (hopefully) lead to a baby being expelled 40 weeks later. So, I guess it still serves as an expectorant in this use, as well.

Robitussin. Turns out, it's not just for a cough.

I didn't buy any that day, but you can give it a try and let me know how it works out for you!